Did you know that the most popular product is our 20 Litre Khaki Green Jerry Can?
We sell far more of these than any others. However we do also sell a large amount of the other colours and as a result of popular demand we now have a 20 Litre RED ‘Site’ Can available to purchase directly from our website. The cans are currently priced at £61.01 inc VAT for a pack of 4 (please note this price is correct as of June 2020).
Now for retail customers
Previously this can had been available only to our wholesale customers (read more about being a wholesale customer), but in order to keep our range fresh and offer the maximum choice to our retail customers these can now be purchased in packs of four (Red Fuel Can photo coming soon).
The ‘site’ fuel can is designed for someone who perhaps is using a fuel can on a daily basis, eg, on a building site. It is strong and well constructed and is ideal for throwing in the back of your van and on to the next job. In truth we would always recommend anyone to purchase our classic Wavian Fuel Can first, but for those people on a limited budget the ‘Site’ can offers a excellent quality fuel at a lower price. Please note our regular Wavian Fuel Can Spouts will NOT fit on this can. Should you require a Spout, please purchase a ‘Site’ Can Pouring Spout.

The ‘Site’ Cans are now available in packs of 4 in 3 colours, Red, Black and Khaki Green.
Fuel Can Colours – Which colour do I need?

Traditionally certain colour fuel cans have been used for different types of fuel and while this method is used by many people, there can be variations and you should never assume that a particular fuel is in a particular can based on its colour. Many of our customers use different coloured cans for different fuels and there is no legal requirement. To help identify fuel types we recommend that you purchase one of our safety labels alongside your fuel can in order to properly identify it
You can read more about fuel can colours here >
For more information on any of our products, please call us on 01508 493 647 or email [email protected]. During this time all of our office staff are either working remotely or practising safe distancing.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all Key Workers for their amazing hard work during this period.